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P22 Glaser Kitchen font revival

P22 Glaser Kitchen
Milton Glaser’s Kitchen Typeface from the mid 1970s exemplifies the bold 3-D art deco revival genre that was a trademark of the Glaser style. This typeface resulted from his involvement in the design of the The Big Kitchen in the World Trade Center’s concourse in New York City.
Original photostat artwork proof of Kitchen typeface with retouching
P22 Glaser Kitchen was based on original drawings and phototype proofs from the Milton Glaser Studios archives. Typographic punctuation and sorts were imagined to work with Glaser’s design, as well as diacritics to accommodate most European languages. Over the years there have been many typefaces that borrowed heavily from the Glaser designs, but these are the only official fonts approved by Milton Glaser Studio and the Estate of Milton Glaser.
The new P22 Glaser Kitchen takes on the technical challenge of overlapping 3-D shadows by offering two styles. P22 Glaser Kitchen Regular is spaced out so that the shadows do not overlap the white spaces of the neighboring letters. Whereas the P22 Glaser Kitchen 3D Fill and 3D Shadow can be used layered on top of one another to achieve the tight spacing intended by Glaser.

P22 has no claim to the terms “P22 GLASER” or “GLASER KITCHEN” or any combination thereof.
The estate reserves the rights to the terms GLASER and/or GLASER KITCHEN.
P22 Glaser Kitchen font revival

P22 Glaser Kitchen font revival
